Choir Bogd Mountain is located at an altitude of 1686 meters above sea level in the southern part of the granite distribution and occurrence in the central region of Mongolia.
The study of Buddhist philosophy is called Choir, and it is a Borjigon idol, with a tradition of highly educated monks gathering at the Choir Monastery to debate books. There are historical and cultural monuments and paintings near Choir Bogd Mountain.
There are ruins of Dagvasundel, Zuun Janjin Choir Monastery, Tsagaan Dari Ekh, Khusliin Khad, Khuukdiin Ovoo, Ildnii Khad, the ruins of the ancient Chinese iron wire committee, and the statue of Dugar Meereng. Khairkhan was placed under special state protection in Govisumber aimag in 1997 and 2011 as a nature reserve for the purpose of ensuring environmental balance, preserving its original appearance, and developing nature tourism.