Brief information: In 1725, the Manchu emperor Enkh-Amgalan issued a decree to build a monastery dedicated to the first Bogd G.Zanabazar at the head of the Iven River in the foothills of Burenkhaan Mountain, Selenge province.

Amarbayasgalant Monastery was a religious country with more than 50 temples and more than 6,000 monks. More than 40 temples, including the Buddha Temple, Ayush, Mahgal, Maitreya, Narkhajid Temple, Bogd Gegeen’s Palace, and Undur Gegeen’s Mausoleum, were built within a 175 x 207 meter wall fence, leaving 28 temples.
Today, the monastery’s Yanpai Khaalgaa, Mahranzyn Temple, History Temple, Sangiin Boipor, Tsogchin Dugan, Lavrin Temple, and Shar Urguu, known as the hearth of Mongolia, are all complex architectural masterpieces. There are 108 volumes of the Ganjuur and 226 volumes of the Danjuur Mongolian originals with more than 1260 chapters, including studies, music and astronomy. At Amarbayasgalant Monastery, Gongor Dao is worshiped.
Location: Baruunburen soum, Selenge aimag
Coordinates: 49 ° 28’45.0 ”N; 105 ° 05’07.4 ”E;
Related Tours: “South Gobi and Amarbayasgalant Monastery”